Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thank you. Please enjoy. Won't you join us?

"Pardon me"... And I don't mean the sarcastic over-emphasized EXCUSE ME. If I were speaking it to you--my pardon me would either be accompanied by a smile or the fiercest version would be said with a strong stare and tone of determination.

"If I may"-- to add my opinion in the conversation-- AFTER I have actually listenedto yours.

If I feel stronger than that-- I should walk away and speak another day. If I think you are speaking an untruth--on purpose--I will wait for you to hear your own voice. If I think you are speaking an untruth told to you by others, I might smile and say- "Perhaps"
If I think you are listening to me-- I may offer what I believe to be a fact that differs from yours.

We owe these courtesies to each other as 'ordinary people', how much more do our leaders.

I don't have cable or satellite TV. I have never seen American Idol, Glen Beck and I avoid vitriolic voices whenever possible. It seems these 'role models' are having a great influence on how people speak to each other when opposing views are involved.

The subjects are judgemental in one way or another, divisive, and contentious by nature. These avenues of discourse are not helping us come together in a way that is enriching and uplifting.

So simple and still so true--"If you don't have something nice to say--keep still."

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