Friday, July 16, 2010

My Love Reaches Across the Country

We've mused about sitting on a porch
Decades from now
Laughing at all our crazy fun
And when it had all begun.

Funny things happen when we get together
And when one is sad--we both are
Our musing of future reflections
Brings us closer, takes us far

Far from whatever frustration
Is wearing on us
But we never imagined
It would happen just
Like this...

You get to come 'home'
Nearer to me
But, Oh what pain and sorrow
Brought it to be

Your source of aggravation
And joy
Over and over you called him
"My little boy..."

Left your arms, your life,... and his
We grieved and screamed...
Why did it have to happen like this?

Many a time I defended his view
Somehow his words just didn't get through
But I knew that you needed to hear him
And I knew that your place was still near him

A happy time was spent
Just hours before he went away
Im sure he didn't want to leave you
But his body said, "I can't stay"

Now we get to be together
Not as close or as often
As you and he
But for us -- you and me

Any time we can share is enough
We take turns
Being funny -- now its time
To be tough.

I spread my arms across this land
And offer my shoulder, and my hand
The distance to my mind is painful
But my heart finds it easy to span


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gifted Harbinger

The biography of Ludvig von Beethoven depicts him in many contradictory terms. Various historians, musicologists, musicians masters of an array of instruments, chimed in with their view of the man.

He was generous, kind, empathic, tempermental, controlling, a bully, self-centered...I began to think I was watching Roshosmon.

And yet, he believed in God, gave God credit for the beauty and mysteries of this world and perhaps for his own gift.

After he became totally deaf, God had his full and complete attention. The message Beethoven was to set forth, the fanfare for God's Messenger on this planet and inspired him to write the Ninth.

That peice has everything. It is dark, it has pathos, it has brightness, and of course it has joy. But, if you ever find the original lyrics--study them well. It's all about God's desire for mankind to recognize their oneness.