Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Faith cannot be proven except through sacrifice

Baha'u'llah's life and the lives of His followers and their martyrdom is the proof of Faith. There is no other proof. The same Spirit that Christ embodied is the one that Baha'u'llah housed. The personalities were different, the times were different, but the meaning, authority, and destiny empowered in Their words and lives came from the same Source. They both turn our direction from themselves to God.

A Bahai that trully believes what Baha'u'llah says and who He is, is also a believer in Jesus Christ. There is no denial of the station of Christ or of any of His words of wisdom and guidance.
By not becoming a member of a 'denomination' you are not denying Christ. You maintain a wider scope of inclusion by excluding none of the Messengers.

I have been coming across references to "the letter and the spirit of the law"...and thought about where the 'line' is. There are some lines that are obvious (at least to me) that we must try not to cross. There are some that require holding fast to the letter of the law.

I believe, it would be more fortuitous for you to abide by family wishes until such time as it is clear that another path is open to you. But, what I believe and what is truly right for you could be very different. "Abiding by family wishes" means of course, if your uncle's heart is breaking because he thinks your soul is eternally damned and needs saving, by all means ease his pain.

You also have books you can share with him while you are reading The Bible.

You need not, 'undeclare' to maintain harmony.

All that being said, don't use this quandry as an excuse to become distracted from your studies. Do what you must to bring quiet to your mind and focus on your education.
End of lecture.

Monday, August 24, 2009

This Is a Broken Winged Bird

My flight is very slow. Assist me so that I may fly to the apex of prosperity and salvation
Wing my way with the utmost joy and happiness throughout the illimitable space. Raise my melody in Thy Supreme Name throughout all the regions, exhilerate the ears with this call and brighten the eyes by beholding the Signs of Thy Guidance.

O Lord! I am single, alone, and lowly for me there is no helper except Thee, no sustainer beside Thee, no support save Thee. Confirm me in Thy service, assist me with the cohorts of Thine angels, suffer me to speak out Thy wisdom amongst Thy creatures.

Verily, Thou art the helper of the poor and the defender of the little ones.
Verily, Thou are the Mighty, the Powerful, the Unconstrained.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Sun Is Now In Virgo

The Virgo month slips by faster than any other for some reason. When I was younger, I had a month of Virgo friends. Strange how we gravitated together and managed to tolerate each others idiosyncracies -- for the most part anyway.

A few of us have passed on, a few of us have moved and left no trace to be followed.

We used to have a party when the moon was full in Virgo -- usually when the sun was in Pisces.
And we would 'host' a huge Thanksgiving shindig for the extended circle of friends that included Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Leo, Taurus...

Let's see how quickly Virgo slips by this time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Second Time Around

Actually, since a body is said to have replaced it entire collection of cells every eight years --this is my 9th time around.

As my grandmother once said, when someone 'accused' her of being in her second childhood...
"I'm not done with the first one yet." And she was past her 10th time around. (70's)

So like many other things, most of which should not be discussed, it runs in the family to be emotionally underdeveloped. I was a special ed teacher for several years and still can't bring myself to use the term 'retarded' for any purpose. I did once, and it resonated in my brain in a wave of 'bad vibe' bouncing all through my self-image for a long, long, long, long time.

What, if anything in the entire universe stops at only 'second time' around? I only had two kids --but was pregnant three times and miscarried at least once after my second son. Re-gifting can send an item circulating for generations.

As I get used to this blogging...hopefully the messages will improve, but I won't promise.

My First time...

Blogging that is.

Choosing a name was harder than I thought it would be. I wanted Bahai in it, and the rest was a search for an acceptable literation.

The butterfly is to some native Americans -- the symbol of eternal life. It is simple to create in art of painting, weaving, beading... two triangles with points touching ><>

Our writing group, is enthusiastic about meeting once a week.

There was a car show up here over the weekend.