Tuesday, October 6, 2009


How can it be that we take so much for granted? The abundance of bounties available to us keeps our sense of need and fulfillment numbed. It is up to us to keep in touch with our higher self, our soul-self, to continue to be grateful for the 'small stuff'.

Experienceing the least inconvenience could be enough to trigger the gratitude button.

A close call of any description wakes those of us who have an easy life. Description of an 'easy life' in my universe is having all basic needs covered, a small group of friends that would take you in if your house burned down, and safe to the point that you can contemplate a future that encompasses years...not hours or days.

Observing a poor soul at the side of a city street spewing forth bodily fluids instills that gratitude in some of us and we sigh, "There but for the grace of God, go I."

As of Sunday evening, my gratitude for a path to my home... just the path... was foremost on my list. As the fire subsides and evacuees are allowed to return to homes untouched and a home town they hold dear, the wave of gratitude to all who sweated, strained muscles, choked on smoke, lost days of sleep, protecting this home town... this wave of gratitude is palpable and will become manifest in the form of celebration as soon as it can be arranged.

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