Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spiritiual Starvation

Playing Russian Roulette with my soul is a game I have played all my life. Many times I have lost. Tests have come that I was not prepared for and they swept me away. Instead of becoming stronger as a result of these tests--it was more like--I was put back to square one and had to start all over again, relearning and regaining any progress I had made.

The game is played by being fully aware of spiritual duties that keep one connected and nourished on a daily basis, simply, say a brief obligatory prayer once a day. How hard is that? We rebellious ones or undisciplined ones, don't do it even when we actually rememeber we are supposed to!

Time goes on as the soul languishes, longing for its spiritual nutrients. The lower self withholds this source of love from the spiritual aspect for God knows why..but sooner or later the test comes that could have been beneficial from the start and the malnourished soul lands in St James Infirmary begging for hope and forgiveness.

It is a mystery to me why this ridiculous pattern continues. The solution is so simple, the purpose so clearly stated, the need so vital and yet--every day that the soul is not fed, gives the lower self that much more power over the higher self.

God help us...me

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