Friday, January 29, 2010

Fire, Ice, Courage, Sacrifice

The fires of hatred, born first in ignorance, transform into percieved competition.

They burn into the hearts and minds from seeds among the refuse planted by men afraid to be wrong or admit it.

Icy cold those hearts who find comfort only by subjecting innocent, incorrupt to a literal cold, in a prison that chills the bone to the marrow.

In such blind igorance, how could they know--they had lost before they began?

Fires of hate-filled and loveless hearts have no power or weapon stronger than courage.

Courage strong enough in some to BE the change they believe in. Strong enough to keep their tongue from uttering hateful words in offense or their limbs from striking back.

Strong enough to keep the fire that does not burn, alive, within their soul.

Courage that stands before such fierce ignorance can only lead to sacrifice.
The hatred of the accusers has no choice but to consume the object of their fear.

Sacrifice of the pure and innocent also has a consequence, that these unknowing ones will never comprehend.

From each drop of innocent blood thrown in the face of God, a thousand -- maybe tens of thousands sleeping souls will awaken.

They will arise around the globe in places unreachable by that hate and proclaim with one voice..."One God, One People, One Faith".

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